Changer Une Minute, 2003 |
Installation, video, video recording room, sound European high school Montebello, Lille Sponsors: Marc Tallendier, principal of the high school; Gersende Petoux, administrative secretary; Marie-Christine Gayot, English teacher; Marc Debray, philosophy teacher; Jean-Michel Dansette, economics and management teacher; Philippe Gayot, science and life of the earth teacher; Marie Grimenez, literature teacher; Frédéric Sicard, plastic art teacher Production: Les Nouveaux Commanditaires Partners: Fondation de France; Conseil régional Nord-Pas de Calais; City of Lille, FEDER, project labelled Lille 2004, European Capital of Culture Mediation: Artconnexion Lille The students and the staff of the high school are invited to express themselves in the mini-recording studio (sound-image), placed inside the establishment. A rule is set from the start: each participant has one minute to formulate twelve words of their choice. In a second step, the recording modalities are exceeded in order to highlight the processes inherent to communication: each speaker is given the words of another speaker. Ephemeral installation, the recording studio is reduced to a light and mobile structure, likely to be transported in another establishment: exchange, communication. Today, the work exists in the form of a DVD in order to perpetuate it and to be able to make it circulate in places of exhibitions and in schools. |
+ text by Annie Claustres, Changer une minute ou le temps des métissages, 2005 |

1/2 - diagram of the recording studio; 2/2 List

Portraits from the video