La Forêt des mâts, 2022/2024
The mast forest
Village des athlètes,
SCCV Quinconces
The work offers a walk through the new forest that is developing between the buildings in Lot D of the Athletes' Village. By becoming part of the life of this new forest, the masts - whose colours echo the palette developed for the buildings - act as links between the natural space and the residents. Made up of beads of different materials and colours, the masts tell a particular story through the ingredients they bring together: they may come from local building sites, special know-how, materials stored in recycling centres linked to the history of the district, thus recounting, like a geological sample or core sample, the uses, history and diversity of this environment.
Curator : David Moinard
Technical Management : Ateliers Puzzle, Nantes (Gregoire Cartillier, Robinson Grenadier, Karen Lasne, Nathan Levinson)
Production : Icade, Caisse des Depots
The work "Le jardin des mâts" is part of the Courants Fertiles art trail created by SOLIDEO.
Images : Julie Berkovitz, Clara Ruestchman, Jan Kopp, Nathan Levinson, Fleur Mounier, Solideo.
Village des athlètes,
SCCV Quinconces
The work offers a walk through the new forest that is developing between the buildings in Lot D of the Athletes' Village. By becoming part of the life of this new forest, the masts - whose colours echo the palette developed for the buildings - act as links between the natural space and the residents. Made up of beads of different materials and colours, the masts tell a particular story through the ingredients they bring together: they may come from local building sites, special know-how, materials stored in recycling centres linked to the history of the district, thus recounting, like a geological sample or core sample, the uses, history and diversity of this environment.
Curator : David Moinard
Technical Management : Ateliers Puzzle, Nantes (Gregoire Cartillier, Robinson Grenadier, Karen Lasne, Nathan Levinson)
Production : Icade, Caisse des Depots
The work "Le jardin des mâts" is part of the Courants Fertiles art trail created by SOLIDEO.
Images : Julie Berkovitz, Clara Ruestchman, Jan Kopp, Nathan Levinson, Fleur Mounier, Solideo.