Constellation ordinaire #2 (Panettone etc.), 2012 |
Approximately 42 peeled cardboard boxes, 6 x 4 m "Jan Kopp works with packaging that he rids of all information, characters or landscapes, preserving only colored flat areas printed on their outer surface, revealing patatoidal shapes of random colors. These unfolded packages are the residues of his family's consumption, freed of their commercial messages and articulated between them in the manner of a proliferating puzzle. Stripped of their function, they combine in an abstract and playful proposal quite significant of the posture of the artist whose abstract research is willingly inscribed in a time, a biography, a relationship to the world and its accidents rather than in a direct filiation with the first principles of abstraction. In social contexts where the rules can rarely be chosen (such as the confrontation with a context of economic promotion present from the moment one wakes up in daily life), perhaps the game is a way to make the error, the accident, happen. A way to allow it." - Text from the exhibition Ordinary Constellation #5, ISDAT Toulouse, 2015 |

Exhibition views Constellations ordinaires #5, Institut supérieur des arts de Toulouse, 2015