Constellation ordinaire #12 du parc
A fourth variation of the "Grand Ensemble" since its first version at La Criée, centre d’art contemporain in Rennes (2013) is presented on the Veranda of the Villa du Parc, centre d’art in Annemasse, France from February 10 to May 19, 2024.
Constructed by several hands - large and small, young and old - it forms a sculpture made up of reused rod-shaped objects (such as pencils, pens, straws, chopsticks, mikados, rulers, spoons, felt-tips, broken eyeglass stems, violin bows, arrows...). "Ordinary Constellation #12 du Parc" incorporates elements collected in the public garden surrounding the art center, tree and bush branches, discarded and losing scratch cards, drink cans called DADA or OASIS.... These natural and industrial elements are linked and grafted here and there between them with strips of plaster.
Curated by Garance Chabert