Gespenster, 2004-2015 |
21 terracotta sculptures, variable dimensions “Far from circumscribing balance to its physical properties alone, Jan Kopp also examines the phenomenon from the perspective of perceptive psychology, as evidenced by a group of terracotta objects of varying sizes. Arranged in the manner of an inventory or suspended, these rounded objects seem to come from an excavation field and belong to an archaic period. However, entitled Gespenster (specters), the installation leaves room for doubt and explores the fine line between the poetic and the disturbing. On closer inspection, the supposed archaeological remains look more like a military arsenal. Amphoras or shells, primitive sculptures or war missiles, Jan Kopp blurs the lines and delivers, in the wake of the form theorists, a demonstration of the existence of preconscious aspects that influence our perception of the world.” — Valérie Clerc, extract from the press release of the exhibition Constellations ordinaires #4, Galerie Laurence Bernard, Geneva, 2015 |

Photos © : Yann Haeberlin