Musique de cheminées, 1993-1994 (réédité 1998) |
Sound installation : 53 B&W photographs of Paris roofs, piano interpretation, loudspeakers, electronic boxes 1590 x 44,5 x 5,5 cm Musique de cheminées is a sound device composed of 53 black and white photographs of Paris roofs, aligned on the wall. Behind each of them is placed a loudspeaker that broadcasts music interpreted on the piano from the visual score drawn by the silhouettes of the chimneys. The sound, transported from the first to the last loudspeaker by an electronic mechanism, incites the spectator to go through the 16 meters of the installation. | |

Photography and its score |

Exhibition views Chimney Music, Fondation Hermès, Singapour, 2006 and L'ivresse du tigre, Galerie Maisonneuve, Paris, 2006